Blog • In VENDOR SPOTLIGHT • March 27, 2017
Erin McDonald of Erin McDonald Co

Erin McDonald Co
Creative Director
Design and décor
CHEZ: How long have you been in the events industry?
E.M.: More than 25 years.
CHEZ: Describe what you/your company does in one sentence?
E.M.: EMC designs unique spaces that are influenced by the clients’ desires and direction but finessed by our knowledge and taste.
CHEZ: What sets you/your company apart from others?
E.M.: EMC is a unique company that acts as a creative director with the ability to work with other design houses to team together to make each client experience uniquely theirs.
CHEZ: What is your most memorable moment from past events?
E.M.: EMC always finds a special moment when handing off the clients bouquet to them for the first time. Their reaction is everything.
CHEZ: What event trends do you love right now?
E.M.: We are always drawn to classic, whether contemporary or traditional. Classic is always the best.
CHEZ: What is the most unique request a client has ever had?
E.M.: Living in Chicago, one of the most “unique” requests is when a client, who is doing and outdoor wedding or event, wants to hold off on the tent…till the day before. Or even more brilliant…to take it down the day of.
CHEZ: What does a typical event day look like for you?
E.M.: Up at 4:30, get to the office by 7, pack the trucks, load into venue by 9am, meet with client for some face time, and then all hell breaks loose. No kidding, we like to be ahead of schedule most days, as we like to have a cushion for any issues that might occur. Better safe than sorry.
CHEZ: Name three things you couldn’t live without (besides the obvious!):
E.M.: My dog, my family, and my mind.
CHEZ: Name three things people probably don’t know about you:
E.M.: I was a professional dancer for many years. I am more of an introvert than most people would think. I can drive a semi truck.
CHEZ: What is the best piece of advice you can give someone planning an event?
E.M.: Choose personality first. Like your vendors and choose them wisely. Allow your creative partners to do what they are experts at…and RELAX!
CHEZ: What do you love about Chez?
E.M.: The ability to have a slate that is clean and fresh and a staff that is wiling to allow you to showcase your talents.
Thank you Erin! We can’t see what creativity you bring to Chez in 2017.
Photography by: (L) Avery House, (R) Eric Floberg